How to Overcome Lack of Blood During Excessive Menstruation - Social-News


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Saturday, July 9, 2022

How to Overcome Lack of Blood During Excessive Menstruation


A woman who is menstruating sometimes experiences symptoms of lack of blood or anemia because at the time of menstruation a woman produces quite a lot of blood every day. You must immediately overcome the symptoms of lack of blood during menstruation because if it is not treated immediately the symptoms of anemia during menstruation will get worse and cause various complications.

Every woman has a different menstrual pattern and different bleeding, sometimes there is a little, sometimes there is too much. The menstrual pattern of each woman is also different because sometimes there are those whose menstruation is regular, sometimes there are those who have irregular periods. Lack of blood can occur when a person experiences excessive menstruation. The cause itself is due to insufficient intake of iron in the body considering iron itself is a substance that helps produce red blood cells.

If you experience symptoms of lack of blood during menstruation, then the way to overcome it is to understand in advance the types of symptoms of anemia. Generally, lack of blood during menstruation is also known as iron deficiency anemia. So how do you treat iron deficiency anemia? Let's see the following explanation 

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is anemia or lack of blood that often occurs when a woman is menstruating. During menstruation, a woman's body will bleed quite a lot so that she experiences a lack of nutrition and iron which functions to produce red blood cells in the body.

Significantly reduced iron in a person's body will make the supply of red blood cells also decrease significantly. If the red blood cells decrease significantly compared to a person's body's ability to produce red blood cells, then a symptom called anemia or anemia occurs.

A person's menstruation can be said to be normal if it lasts for 2-7 days with an average amount of blood issued compared to the use of pads ranging from 3-4 pads every day. However, if you experience a menstrual cycle of more than 7 days with abnormal bleeding, it can be said that your menstrual cycle is not normal. Abnormal menstruation should not be allowed, you must immediately take action such as consulting a doctor.

During menstruation the body releases a lot of blood and causes a person to experience a decline in iron intake which can cause the following symptoms:

  • Body feels weak
  • Tired easily
  • Body aches
  • Skin looks pale
  • Concentration decreased
  • Inflamed tongue
  • Out of breath
  • Emotional
  • Feet and hands feel cold
  • Heart beating fast
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dizziness or headache suddenly

Pay attention to the symptoms above and if you feel the same thing during menstruation then you need to immediately deal with it in the following way.

Here are Tips for Overcoming Lack of Blood During Excessive Menstruation

Lack of blood during excessive menstruation can actually be prevented and minimized in the following ways:

Regulating a Healthy Diet

In fact, regulating a healthy diet should be considered by everyone, not only when someone is menstruating, because regulating a diet can make the body strong and healthy. If a person is having excessive menstruation and experiencing symptoms of anemia, he can start to prevent it by choosing foods that contain lots of iron such as red meat, fish, seafood, nuts, green vegetables (spinach), eggs, wheat or cereals.

Consuming Foods High in Vitamin C

The next way to deal with lack of blood during excessive menstruation is to eat foods with a high vitamin C content. By consuming foods high in vitamin C, the iron in your body will be absorbed properly so that the production of red blood cells in your body can return to normal. You can find foods high in vitamin C in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, kiwis, tomatoes, pineapples, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, cabbage, and potatoes.

If you take birth control pills, pay attention to the following:

Now this is especially for those of you who experience symptoms of lack of blood during excessive menstruation and are taking birth control pills, then you need to consult the use of birth control pills with your doctor. If you experience anemia, you can switch to birth control pills which can increase your iron intake so that when you are menstruating you don't feel symptoms such as suddenly feeling dizzy, weak, tired, etc.

So that's how to deal with lack of blood during excessive menstruation that we can convey in this article. If you feel you are still experiencing symptoms of lack of blood or anemia continues, then immediately see a doctor so it doesn't get worse. Menstruation is sometimes quite disturbing for every woman. But if menstruation doesn't come, we are also worried, of course, so keep thinking positive and don't forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle 

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